Prophets and Psalms (Schreck) n. 78

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78. Chapter 12 [Jeremiah] 1, 2 The church that expects the Lord asks why the wicked flourish. 11, 1 3 Oh! that He would come, and that the evil might be removed. 11, 1 4 Because there are no longer truths and goods with them, 3 5 they have self-intelligence, 3 6 and they wish to know nothing more. 3 7-12 The church where the Word is turns against the Lord, and has embraced falsities, whence she has been utterly desolated and vastated. 3 13 Goods are turned into evils. 3 14, 15 Therefore they are to be expelled, and others, of whom the church is to be formed, are to be accepted in their place. 3 16, 17 As long as they acknowledge the Lord they will remain. 3

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