Prophets and Psalms (Schreck) n. 80

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80. Chapter 14 [Jeremiah] 1-3 Truth is wholly lacking in the church. 2 4-6 He that seeks does not find it. 2 7-9 Prayer to the Lord to have pity. 2 10 Answer is made, that they have backslidden; 2 11, 12 therefore no attention is given either to their prayer or to their worship. 2 13 They are flattered into believing that there is no lack and no desolation of truth. 2 14-16 This is from their doctrine of falsity, which will perish, and together with it, those who live according to it. 3 17, 18 Grief that there is no truth either in the church or in doctrine. 3 19 Complaint thereat. 9, 3 20-22 Prayer for them. 9, 3

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