Prophets and Psalms (Schreck) n. 96

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96. Chapter 30 [Jeremiah] 1-3 Establishment of the church with those who have been in spiritual captivity, or in ignorance of truth. 11 4-7 Then the last judgment will be executed with those who are of the church. 15 8, 9 Then they are to be brought to the church, and will worship the Lord. 11 10, 11 Then their spiritual captivity will cease. 11 12-15 They have been infested by evils and falsities, and there is no remedy, 11, 3 16 but those who have destroyed, will be destroyed. 3 17, 18 There will be a remedy from the Lord, who will restore the church. 11 19, 20 They will be perfected in truths, and it will last. 11 21, 22 This will be done by the Lord, when He will come, and He will be their God. 11, 1 23, 24 He will execute judgment upon the wicked. 15

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