5. [38.] V
Because justification is the renewal of the spirit of the mind, and because Christ dwells in those who are justified, or the justified [in Christ] like branches in the vine, as stated in the previous quotation, this conclusion follows:
[39.] That we are not only just by repute, but are truly called and really are just, receiving justice within us each according to his own measure, which the Holy Spirit distributes to everyone as it wills, and according to each one's own disposition and co-operation, Session VI, 13th January 1547, Chapter 7, para. 2.
[40.] If anyone says that the good works of a justified person are in such a way God's gifts that they are not also the good merits of the justified one himself, or that the justified one himself does not truly acquire merit by the good works which are done by him through God's grace and the merit of Jesus Christ, of Whom he is a living member, let him be anathema, Canons 32, p. 76.