28. Chapter 28 [Isaiah] Those who from their own intelligence have falsified truths. These are "the drunkards of Ephraim." 2 1, 2 Falsities will break in. 2 3, 4 Truths will perish. 2 5[, 6] The Lord will teach truths when He comes. 11 7, 8 Then all doctrine will be full of falsities and evils, 3 9, 10 so that they cannot be instructed and taught. 3 11-13 They will reject. 3 14-16 They will laugh to scorn those things that are of heaven and the church, and will reject those things that are of the Lord. 17-21 Although they will reprobate and not understand, nevertheless they must be taught. 4, 2 22-29 They will be taught constantly, and yet will not receive. 2, 3