93. I have conversed in the spiritual world with some who lived many ages ago, and who had confirmed themselves in the falsities of their religion; and I found that they still firmly adhered to them. I have also conversed with some in that world who had been of the same religion and had entertained the same ideas as the others, but had not confirmed themselves in its falsities; and I learned that they, after being instructed by angels, had rejected the falsities and had acquired truths. These had been saved, but the others were not. Every man after death is instructed by angels, and those are received [into heaven] who perceive truths and, from truths, falsities; for everyone after death is granted to see truths spiritually. They see truths who have not confirmed themselves in falsities; but those who have so confirmed themselves do not wish to see truths; and if they are presented to them, they turn themselves away, and then either ridicule or falsify them.