Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 1325

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1325. The second subject of their argumentation was whether anyone would be admitted into heaven other than those who had suffered persecutions and miseries in the world, something which the apostles also maintain quite emphatically when they are in the state of their former, bodily life. Then they want to judge, and when they are permitted, only by way of trial, to judge, I was told that they then do not like to admit anyone into heaven but martyrs and those who have suffered persecutions and consequently, miseries. So they again understand the words of the Lord literally, that those are blessed who suffer such things [Matt. 5:11], just as the words say. They therefore also maintain that they deserve heaven, and thus inherit it because of merit. And so they try to close out any others, first wanting to judge them so that they will undergo punishment. So that is their kind of judgment, as they have said before from time to time, supposing themselves to be preferred because they had endured such things more than others and had published the Gospel throughout the world. On these matters there had often formerly been contention.

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