1325. The second subject of their reasonings was whether anyone would be admitted into heaven save those who have suffered persecutions and miseries in the world. The apostles maintain this quite vehemently when they are in the state of their former life, or that of the body, and they want to judge accordingly. And it was also said that when it is allowed them to judge simply for the sake of trial they are unwilling to admit into heaven any except martyrs and those who have suffered persecutions and consequent miseries. Thus it is according to the sense of the letter that they understand the Lord's words that they are blessed who suffer such things [Matthew v 11] as the words say. They want to merit heaven, therefore, and to inherit it from merit, and so to exclude others, whoever they may be, and to judge that they should first undergo punishments. Such is the nature of their judgment, as they have also said before. In this way they suppose that they are to be preferred because they had suffered such things more than others, and had published the Gospel throughout the world. Concerning these matters there have often been contentions before.