1386. Instead he was led into the swamp and was sunk into it and covered over under that muddiness, or rather, rolled around as by a breaking wave with quite a large hollow, sometimes as if enclosed in a room-and even to all sides, from the front to the opposite shore, then to the left, almost where the flesh-eaters are. There appeared there an atmosphere the color of gold, which was bending all around, and finally reached him, lifting him up. That golden atmosphere along which he had been lifted up extended downwards. At the time he did not so much appear, even though he was there. I was thinking that that golden atmosphere symbolized something good, but a certain spirit who had been sent there took that golden atmosphere, which extended down from him in his ascent, and raised it in the manner of the skirt of a woman's gown trailing behind her, called a Slap.* Having raised it, he said that it contained filth, like something worm-ridden. So it symbolized that there was that kind of self-trust and arrogance that looks like gold to them, when in fact it is utterly filthy. 1748, 15 March. * Swedish for "train."