Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 1386

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1386. But he was carried away into the lake and there immersed. He was drawn beneath that mire, or rather rolled about like a wave for quite a considerable distance, sometimes as if under an arch, and indeed in every direction, from the front to the opposite side, then to the left, almost to the place where are those who devour flesh [n. 1381]. An aura of a golden color, as it were, appeared there; it was turned about in every direction, and at length reached him. He was raised up by this golden aura which was continued beneath along the path by which he had been elevated, but he himself did not then appear, although he was there. I suppose that the golden aura signified something good. But a certain spirit who had been sent thither elevated that golden aura which followed him in his ascent, as a woman's trailing gown (called in Swedish "slep") usually does behind her back. Thus was he raised up with it. That aura was said to contain what was filthy, like something verminous, and thus to signify that such confidence together with pride, which appears to them as gold, is nevertheless utterly filthy. 1748, Mar. 15.

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