1442. I spoke* with them as well about sheep** and lambs, but they did not want to hear about such things, because they are earthly. But then they were told that lambs symbolize innocent people, and this being the case, therefore when one mentions lambs, one does not think of lambs, but of innocents. Then they said they did not know what innocents are. Then I said that lambs are (alfwarsamheter);*** but this they did not want to hear either, saying they did not know what these were, but what (artighet)**** is, they knew, and they tried to be such. This is in agreement with "inward sensation" [1415 ff.]. Those who do not go higher than this kind of spiritual knowledge, also do not know what innocence is, other than just a word; and perhaps some confuse it with babyhood and its ignorance, thinking that people gifted with great intellect cannot be innocents. Therefore inward sensation, or the mere knowledge of things in heaven, does not grasp inward qualities, such as what innocence is. It agrees with their character to be artige,***** that is, to be happy with the knowledge of realities and boastful of it. * The original has "they spoke," but see AC 7073. ** J. F. I. Tafel read ovibus, "lambs," as avibus, "birds." *** Old Swedish spelling alfwarsamheter for allvarsamheter, "earnest people." **** Swedish for "courtesy." ***** Swedish for "courteous."