Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 1445

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1445. The reason they surrounded the planet Venus is that thereby the very inward regions can communicate with outer ones by means of inward sensations, otherwise there is no communication, so in the same way as outer regions communicate with more inward ones through inward sensation. Just as there is no communication of the reasoning parts {[except] through the memory of material mental images, so neither is there communication of understood ideas [with the outer parts] except}* through the inward memory, as it is called, that is, inward sensation. One who is not familiar with these matters does not know how it is possible for anyone to possess the faculty of understanding, that is, of thinking, judging, concluding, then of deciding and willing. For these abilities do not result from the memory of material mental images born directly from the outer senses, or by means of the outer senses. * In the Second Latin Edition, after the word rationalium, the following segment signalled in the translation by { } was erroneously omitted: [nisi] per memoriam idearum materialium, ita nec intellectualium nisi.

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