215. About the diversity of desires, feelings and longings
All my longings, both for eating and for drinking, with their varieties, and those of all my senses, also for going places, for travelling, however many their kinds and species, were for a long time being controlled, changed and varied by spirits and angels - so plainly, that nothing could be more obvious, as they say - and this I experienced over an extended period of months and years. The conclusion clearly emerging from this is, that all longings whatsoever that exist and govern the life and thought, originate solely from spirits and angels, when God the Messiah so permits, empowers and wills. 1747, 22 October (old calendar). There have been [both] slow changes, and sudden ones; and in order to confirm [the fact], I spoke with the spirits who had been permitted to do these things; and I spoke about that diversity, etc. etc.