Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2550

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2550. How symbolic displays in the world of spirits stream in from heaven

When several things occurred in my sleep that I do not so well remember, then birds also came in sight and were cooped up (i en bur, som war gammal och morcker*). Enclosed in such a coop there was a bird, a dark one that was also evil, which I seemed not to want to have. Next to it were two beautiful, noble birds, which I preferred to have enclosed in that (bur). And suddenly while I was engrossed in that mental image, spirits fell down, being cast down on me quite vehemently, shaking me and setting my bones and nerves atremble, as had happened sometimes before when all and the very least parts in me trembled throughout my whole body with strong sensations [1934]. Having awakened I felt this, and knew that spirits had fallen upon me very forcefully. I believed that they were now, as several times before, charging in with the intent to destroy me, striking everything in me with great commotion. * Swedish, meaning "in a cage that was old and dark."

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