Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2550

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2550. CONCERNING REPRESENTATIONS IN THE WORLD OF SPIRITS; HOW THESE INFLOW FROM HEAVEN. When in sleep there happened [to me] some things which I do not remember (just as they happened) [ita]; then also came before my view birds which were enclosed; [i en bur som war gammal och morckar]; in such [bur] did a bird appear enclosed, which was also an evil one, and it seemed to me I did not wish to have it. There were along with it two beautiful and noble birds: these I rather desired to have enclosed in that [bur]; and immediately while I was in such an idea, spirits fell down and were cast upon me with considerable violence, and stirred me out of my place [me commovebant], and struck a trembling into my bones and nerves, as [I have] sometimes [experienced] previously; so that each and all the things in me began to tremble, with manifest sensations throughout the whole body. When I awoke I felt it, and knew that spirits had fallen with much force upon me, and imagined that now, like as several times before, they attacked and wished to destroy me by striking everything in me with great commotion.

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