Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2584

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2584. Those who lived 1000, or 4000 years ago, when restored to their state while in the life of the body are entirely like themselves

By much experience I have been enabled to learn that those who had lived 1700, 2000, 3000, up to 4000 years ago, such as at the time of the Lord, and 1000, 2000 years before His time, when restored to the state of their former life, are entirely like themselves, so that nothing at all is lacking or lost. They are also the same in attitude, customs, in fact in all of the life they had had in the world, even their walk, for I have been allowed to speak with them at length and often, for months, and years, so that I would know for sure that they were the same. Hence it may be known that people lose nothing of what they had in the life of the body except for the body alone and such things as are entirely proper to the body. But when they are restored to their heavenly state, it is different, and then they are unaware of any of those properties that are merely corporeal. 1748, 10 July.

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