2584. THAT THEY WHO HAVE LIVED ONE THOUSAND OR FOUR THOUSAND YEARS BEFORE, ARE ENTIRELY SIMILAR TO THEMSELVES WHEN RESTORED TO THAT STATE WHICH WAS THEIRS IN THE LIFE OF THE BODY [dum in statu suo, in vita corporis]. It is granted me to know, from much experience, that they who have lived 1700, 2000, 3000 to 4000 years before, as in the time of the Lord, and 1000 [and] 2000 years before his time, when they are restored to the state of [their] former life are quite similar to themselves, so that nothing at all is wanting, or is missing, as well also as regards the mind, manners, yea, all the life which they had possessed in the world, [also] as regards the gait [gressum], for it was given to converse with them very long, and at many times, during [for] months and years, so that I knew for certain that they were the same. Hence may be known that man loses nothing of those things which he possessed in the life of the body except the body alone, and such as are entirely proper [propria] to the body. But when they are remitted into the heavenly state, then it is different with them, and then they are ignorant of those things which are merely corporeal. - 1748, July 10.