2585. THAT IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD ARE STATES WHICH ARE MOST UNKNOWN TO MEN. Today it has granted me to experience some states, like as previously [I had experienced] some, which are entirely unknown to men, and indeed many of them ineffable; and if it should be endeavored to form any idea [thereof] by words, yet [would they be] wholly unintelligible, therefore incredible, so that only from a scientific tone [principle] can be formed the integral state of the affection, wherein reigns either affection, or more or less of the true; yea, similar states may be communicated to those who are not in the truth of natural things, and are in the truth of spiritual things. Hence, it may also be evident that these states are with indefinite variety. Since such ineffable and never comprehensible states are given in the interior spiritual world, what [is not given] in the interior heaven, from which such states have their proximate origin, and there everyone is with indefinite variety; for the least thing in the spiritual world which appears as one exists in the interior degree from an indefinite of such things, yea, every variety has its indefinite.