Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2604

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2604. Divine truths are to be supported by Philosophy, not the reverse

It is a Divine truth that the Lord rules the universe both in generals and in particulars, or as in universals, so in singulars-this is a truth Divine. For the Lord says that not even a hair of the head falls from the head without His will [Luke 21:18, Acts 27:34, Matt. 10:30, Luke 12:7]. This truth can be supported in very many ways by means of nature and human philosophy, as for example the consideration that the universe could not otherwise continue, nor heaven nor the human race, nor nature and the kingdoms of nature. It is also confirmed philosophically, in that a universal Providence cannot possibly exist except from most singular things, for its universality consists in them, just as a general cannot possibly exist without particulars, for the particulars taken together must constitute the general. In this way Divine truths can be supported, illuminating the human mind by natural and philosophical truths. But if one wishes from natural science and philosophy to deduce Divine truths, one falls at once into darkness and fog. Then people immediately support the idea that there is a universal providence, not a singular one, and this is contrary to the truth Itself, and in fact they do so on the basis of particular and singular things that occur that they do not understand, which to them are nearly everything.

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