Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2604

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2604. THAT DIVINE TRUTHS SHOULD BE CONFIRMED BY PHILOSOPHY, NOT THE REVERSE. It is a divine truth that the Lord rules the universe, as well in generals as in particulars, or in universals as in singulars. This is a divine truth; for the Lord says that not even a hair of the head falls from the head without His will. This truth may be confirmed by nature and by human philosophy from very many things, as [for instance] that the universe can by no means subsist, nor heaven, nor the human race, nor nature, and the kingdoms of nature. It is also confirmed by philosophy, to wit, that a universal providence can never be given save from the most singular things [ex singularissimis], hence His universal [principle] like as a general [principle] could never exist without particulars, for particulars taken together constitute the general. Thus divine truths can be confirmed to the illumination Of the human mind by natural and philosophic truths. But if anyone wishes to infer [deduce] divine truths from natural science and philosophy, he immediately falls into darkness and mist, then immediately confirms himself in this, that providence is universal, [and] not singular, and indeed [so concludes] from those things which happen in particulars and singulars which he does not understand, and these are nearly everything.

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