2651. People in one city, and in one place, can nevertheless as to their spirit each be allotted an entirely different place among spirits
Just as it is clear that spirits in the other life, in whatever place on earth their bodies died, and in whatever place they may be, are nevertheless allotted places in the greatest body according to their qualities or abilities, the same applies to people on earth as to their spirits-neither does it make any difference that they are in one place, or that one is a friend of another. One can be in hell, among the unhappy, the other in the inward realm of upright spirits, one overhead the other below, one to the left the other to the right. Their place [on earth] does not at all determine where they are. Since this is the truth, there should be no arguing about the truth of a matter for this or that reason; and if no explanations are found, the truth is not to be weakened or denied, as usually happens, but because it is the truth, it is to be believed. And if they want to investigate reasons, they may do so, it is not forbidden, only beware if they do not find a reason, or if then many insolubles stream in, that the truth is not on that account to be denied. It is just as with nearly everything in nature that we see with the eyes and grasp with the senses-if everything were to be denied because the explanations of them have not been discovered, there would be no natural truth, in any kingdom. 1748, 19 July.