Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2651

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2651. THAT ALTHOUGH MEN MAY BE IN THE SAME CITY, AND IN THE SAME PLACE, YET EVERYONE MAY BE ALLOTTED ACCORDING TO HIS SPIRIT QUITE DIFFERENT PLACES AMONGST SPIRITS. ((((For instance, it is apparent that spirits in the other life, in whatever place in the world their dead bodies may be, and wherever their places are, still receive a situation in the Grand Man [Maximo Corpore] according to their qualities or faculties. It is similar with men upon earth; nothing causes their spirits to be in one place: for instance, of two friends, one may be in hell amongst the unhappy, the other in the interior sphere of upright spirits, one above the head, the other below, one on the left, the other on the right: the place where they are [in the world] effects nothing.)))) Since this is the truth there should be no arguing concerning the truth of the thing from causes, and if no causes may be discovered that the truth to be weakened or denied as is usual, but because it is the truth it should be believed; and if they wish to find out causes they may do so: it is not forbidden; only if they do not find out the cause, or if then many things inflow which cannot be explained, the truth is not on that account to be denied: it is just as in nearly everything in nature which we see with the eyes and apprehend by sense if all things were denied, because causes are not found out, there would be no natural truth in any kingdom. - 1748, July 19.

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