Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2684

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2684. Those who occupy the region of the foot-sole, because they despise others in comparison with themselves, even though they are not evil, therefore constantly seem to be trying to surface, both through the foot into the thigh, and also above the head, as well as to the sides. But because they are such as to despise others in comparison with themselves, they have this aura as a kind of corpulence surrounding them like a dense covering round about, so that they cannot possibly struggle beyond its confines, even though they labor with much effort. It is this aura that was poured onto the spirits like a mist [2681] when they were given the power of rising up or struggling out. It is therefore a kind of spontaneous resistance on the part of other spirits that appears around them in the form of that dense covering, which distinguishes their aura from the auras of others.

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