Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2683

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2683. About those who constitute the region of the foot-sole

These you may see discussed earlier [2678-9]. They are of an upright kind who during their bodily life had lived for worldly enjoyment, delighting in the things of the world, loving to live lavishly, but doing so only from an outer, bodily craving. They take pleasure in an attractive table and such things, and still they are up-right, not of a haughty spirit, putting themselves above others, even if they are in a position of dignity, even if they are kings. For they are responding only to the body, not the inward mind, nor do they reject, still less deny, the teachings regarding faith in the Lord. They just do not concern themselves so much with them, because the life of the world draws them, saying in their heart, it may be as they tell us. And they can even pray and make supplication humbly without self-induced darkness-in such people the way to heaven lies open. In short, compassion, charity, uprightness, piety, righteousness, are inseminated by the Lord within them, even though others who trust in themselves and imagine themselves to be most keenly intelligent regard them as simple and worthless when it comes to deeper matters. 1748, 25 July.

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