2683. CONCERNING THOSE WHO CONSTITUTE THE REGION OF THE FOOT. Concerning these see above. Such are [those] who [are upright], who in the life of the body have lived for the world an inclination [genio], delighted in those things, which belong to the world, loved to live splendidly, but only from an external cupidity, or [that] of the body, delight in a splendid table, and the like, and yet nevertheless are upright, not boasting in mind [animo] by preferring themselves to others, although they are in dignity, although they might be Kings: do not care so much [for them] because the life of the world delights them - they say in their hearts, that it may be so, as also they say [with the mouth]: yea also free from the darkness brought on themselves, can pray and supplicate in an humble manner. In such, the way to heaven is open: In a word, inwardly is inseminated by the Lord, mercy, charity, probity, piety, justice, although others who trust in themselves, and suppose they are most subtly prudent, regard these as simple and of no account [pretii] as to interiors. - 1748, July 25.