Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2711

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2711. About a Kitchen

After I had gone to bed, suddenly a door to some kitchen was opened to me, and when the door was opening, I felt the heat of the kitchen strike my face and saw some people running around and hard at work, as well as pots and pans around the walls, then a large fireplace, but these things I saw faintly. Hence it was obvious that this was a kitchen area and the people there were called cooks. When I inquired who in the other life are such as these, I was instructed that they are those who had delighted in the filthiest lust of raping infants and small girls (it is not permitted to tell these things publicly, lest they enter into people's thought)-several times little children were also shown, some of whom had been little children of a 1/2 year, 1 year, 3, 5, 6 years old. Those people are in such a kitchen, and they cook each other in boiling hot water, in which they are tormented most dreadfully. 1748, 31 July.

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