2742. In general it must be kept in mind that those who imagine they are capable of anything on their own are counted among sorcerers or sorceresses. Of such there are kinds and species, not those who do this out of simplicity, or who in their action intend good to the neighbor and to society, but those who do so out of cunning and intend evil. Therefore, such imagine they are capable of anything at all on their own, and had been such in the life of the body that they had loved nothing better than to think up ways of being able to subject others to themselves and rule over them, from numerous motives regarding themselves and the world. Therefore in the other life, when they come into possession of different powers and different arts, and amongst those called sorcerers, soothsayers, etc., because it is their nature they think of nothing else but to rule by right means or wrong and subject others to themselves by arts that in that world they easily learn and seize upon.