2845. Souls after death and spirits see all a person is thinking, what one has thought, and one's intentions, and yet they do not know they are not people on earth
Souls and spirits are in such a state that they are able to discern and see the inward thoughts of a person on earth and many things at the same time that are within the thoughts and mental imagery. They come into this ability as soon as, having divested the body, they arrive in the other life. Their state is even such that if they had had this mental ability even for a short time while living in the body, they would have been driven insane. Spirits do not know they are in this state, but suppose their state of thinking to be no different than it was when they were in the body. Therefore I was prompted to tell one spirit who had been a judge in his lifetime, that if people on earth had been able to know thoughts in the way he knows mine, together with everything that is linked to them, they would have had no need for any investigation, trial, or litigations [to determine] whether the case is thus or not, for they see many more things than a person on earth. When he reflected on this, he was able to realize he was in a more perfect state than when he was on earth. For everyone is unaware of the state in which they are and which they are used to, hardly giving it a thought. So it is with spirits, so it is with people on earth. 1748, 17 Aug.