2880. Evil spirits could not live if they did not serve for temptations, punishments, and the like, from which good results
It is clear that the life of evil spirits consists in thinking and doing evils, for in this they find the enjoyment of their life. Whatever belongs to their love belongs to their life, so that if they were compelled and held forcibly to [doing] good, then not only could they not live, but neither could they be reformed, that is, bent to good. So they are permitted to serve in such ways, so that the evil may undergo correction, as by punishments, purgings, temptations. That they cannot live without such activities, and that their life would be taken away if their wicked practices were taken away, I have been inspired to tell them several times, nor could they deny it, but they affirm it. For example even today, they also feel comfort from hope: for while they are plotting and wanting to do something fraudulent, and cherish the hope of doing evil, then they have consolation, and grow calm. This was shown to me today, so they, too, have a restful life due to hope. 1748, 22 Aug.