Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2999

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2999. On the confirmation of heavenly truths by means of human knowledge

I was spoken to out of heaven by means of a kind of general waving motion, thus by an unanimous agreement of many concerning heavenly truths: first, to the effect that they do not need confirmations in support of heavenly truths, since they are in them, just as there is no need of philosophical data for thinking analytically, of knowledge of the muscles for actions, but that they possess all that knowledge from the Lord. As for confirmatory knowledge, it was said that this can be tolerated in the world because of people who are such that truths are confirmed by the sciences, but still, if one cannot confirm them, one should nevertheless believe truths. Otherwise, with some [the sciences] darken the human understanding, with some they cause them to doubt about the truths, with others they cause them to deny them. The rest of the discussion that followed I do not remember, for the world of spirits is permitted to conceal it, which they are also doing. 1748, 30 Aug. That the angels are in possession of all confirmatory knowledge, is amply evident from one example spoken of earlier [2394-7], about the many details enumerated [by an angel].

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