Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 2999

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2999. CONCERNING THE CONFIRMATION OF CELESTIAL [HEAVENLY] TRUTHS BY MEANS OF HUMAN SCIENTIFICS. Speech concerning heavenly truths was held with me, from heaven, by means of a certain general undulation: thus by means of the unanimous agreement of many [to this effect], first that they have no need of confirming things to confirm heavenly truths, when they are in them, just as there is no need of philosophics to think analytically, no need of sciences [knowledges] of the muscles to [perform] actions; but that all these things they possess from the Lord as respects confirming things, that this may be tolerated in the world on account of men who are of such a character that truths are confirmed by means of sciences: yet [only with him] that still believes truths, though he cannot confirm them: on the other hand, with some, they obscure the human understanding: with others cause doubt concerning truths: with others cause a denial thereof: I do not remember what else followed: the world of spirits is not permitted to cover up these things as they [now] also do. - 1748, August 30. That angels are in the knowledge of all confirming things is sufficiently evident from one example [mentioned] previously concerning so many differences which were enumerated.

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