Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 3002

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3002. About the power of looking in the other life, thus the power of looking through faith, and about conviction regarding matters of faith

This night on awakening in the morning I was shown what power there is in a look in the other life, and at the same time, in conviction. There was a certain one who thought that by a look directed to others, he could lead them and bring them wherever he wanted. Because it is so commonplace in the other life that [spirits] are able to allure others to themselves and join their thoughts to their own, thus even to call many together, among countless other effects of looking, it is therefore a very common magic in the other life. Such is the look of the dragon when he wants to call evil doers together, such is that of those who arouse others to be present. And spirits imagine they can do anything just by such looks, about which very much could be told.

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