3012. The same spirit, when he realized that he had been found out, and the spirits around him had been instructed about the truth of faith, wanted to extricate himself from their company, which he had also been taught to be skilled in by methods of his own through various thrusts of his body and turnings to the right, to the left, forwards, sideways, variously. And when he was told that this symbolized his wanting to tear himself away from their company, for he could not get along with those who would not recognize him as the spirit going forth from the Lord, he admitted the same, that he had been taught to do this when he wanted to drive away those who were in company with him, and then call together good spirits who believe him to be such a spirit. Otherwise he could be quite sharp and apparently intelligent, [but] grew angry when I said to him that the more intelligent he seemed to himself, the more insane he was. 1748, 1 Sept.