Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 3017

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3017. So that I would know how that inexpressible speech of inward spirits differs [from the former, 3015], I was told that the things that come down to good inward spirits are entirely different from what comes down from heaven to evil inward spirits. To make known what that was like which fell through heaven to good inward spirits, a maiden appeared to me when I was awake, who was walking with another, a man, whom I did not see and whom I realized to be her lover. The maiden was seen only from behind, clothed in an ordinary dress of bright yellow, neatly fitted to her about the chest, making the style of the bodice quite pretty; but only her back was shown to my view. Thus are portrayed the things that fall through heaven to upright inward spirits. 1748, 1 Sept.

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