Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 3026

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3026. About someone who imagined he could do good and love the neighbor from his own power

A certain spirit having faith based on understanding, I presume, imagined that he could do good from his own power, to whom I was prompted to say that no one can do anything except from the will, everything one does comes from the will. And if anyone still does what is good but not from the will, this is a pretense, which is noticed at once in the other life, nor is it tolerated, because it is a pretense. And if he nevertheless did good, he would then have in view some ulterior motive on account of which he was doing it, thus it would not be from love. This was better understood by a spiritual mental image. But still he imagined that he could even force the will to act from love, so he tried to withdraw himself, so to speak, from under the command of the will, so as to place himself into love and thus act

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