Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 3026

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3026. CONCERNING A CERTAIN ONE WHO SUPPOSED HE COULD DO GOOD AND LOVE THE NEIGHBOR FROM HIMSELF. (A certain spirit of intellectual faith, I believe, supposed that he could do good from himself; to whom it was granted to say, that no one can do anything, save from will: from will comes everything that he does, and if and one still does good, and not from will, this is feigned [good], which is immediately apperceived in the other life, and not tolerated, because feigned; and if he should still do something good, that then he viewed something outside of himself, on account of which he did [so], therefore not from love. This was better perceived in spiritual idea. But still he supposed that he could have compelled the will to act from love, wherefore he attempted to withdraw himself, as it were, from the command of the will, so as to put himself into love, so that he might act from love in the will.

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