Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 3242

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3242. Then I saw faintly some appearing as little children, and one of them carrying someone whose face was clearly visible to me, with (mossa pa hufwudet*). At first I thought from his face that he was a little child, but after studying and considering it, [I realized] that he was a little person, or manikin, because the face was not childlike, somewhat longer but narrow, like that of a not unattractive person. He was carried into my sight by another small one, whom I did not see. * Swedish for "a cap on [his] head."

3242 1/2. The one who was seen being carried in this manner came to me at my left side below the arm and spoke with me. He said he was like that, quite small, not knowing where he came from, but still that when he spoke, his voice then sounded just like the voice of those overhead. He even showed me how he spoke. It seemed to come from the abdomen so that much speech flooded out with a lot of noise, and it was a kind of vocal gurgling sound that cannot well be described. Now in order to show that he was capable of a voice or vocal sound that seemed to thunder, like a huge multitude of spirits, he even withdrew a little, still being in my vicinity, and while he was speaking in the same way, then along with the voice it sounded as if the sky was thundering. Then he came back again and showed the nature of the voice, that it was from the abdomen, a belching. So I also realized that they were inflated and imagined themselves great, even though they were so small.

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