Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 3285

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3285. The things written about these spirits of another solar system,* that they did not rest until they reached the ninth use [3270-4], happened to me this very day, as if I had absolutely seen the same things before,** and likewise had pondered what these progressive uses mean, so that they appeared absolutely to have been shown to me before. This happened just as I had formerly thought such recollections occur, when yet the things remembered had not previously taken place. About these Cicero also wrote.*** And I think this comes from the spirits of the universe, for they want those matters not to be called to mind, so they inject such a recollection. This also shows the source of so lively a recollection of such things; and that they can do this so vividly, comes from their life, which is very much like a persuasive one. For when they hold anyone in such a persuasion that they are that person's life, then the person cannot help thinking so. * See footnote at 3267, heading. ** = "d-j- vu." *** Cf. Tusculan Disputations 1:24.

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