Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 3285

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3285. Such things as have been written concerning these spirits of another universe [to wit] that they do not rest till [they reach] about the ninth use, occurred to me on this same day, as if I have previously been precisely similar things, and that I have similarly meditated as to what such progressive uses signify; so that they certainly appeared to have been as it were previously shown to me. In like manner also, I have formerly thought that such recollections exist, and yet [these things] did not take place previously; of which matters Cicero also writes; and thus, I think this [proceeds] from the spirits of [that] universe: for they wish that these things may not be mentioned. Wherefore they inject such recollection; hence, also, it is apparent from whence [comes] so lively a recollection of such things; and that they can do it so vividly comes from their life, which is very similar to a persuasive [life]: for when they hold anyone in such persuasion, as is their life, then the man cannot do other than think so.

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