3411. I desired to know where such spirits came from, not wanting them to be from our earth. He said that he was from the stars, others saying he was a cannibal. I spoke with spirits about them, and it was shown that they were indeed such, and also about the nature of their delight when they are killing and want to eat a human being, which delight was great; also, that such have existed, so they are thus called,* but I did not know whether such people still live, and whether the Kalmyks are such. I was instructed that they could scarcely be from any other earth than this earth, on which they hold one another in such deadly hatred that they not only treat others most cruelly, but also, once the hatred has come into action, that the cruelty unleashed would easily extend itself to that extreme, as with the cannibals (I also spoke about the Jews, that they hold Christians in such deadly hatred-whether it is true I do not know, but it has been reported [to be the case] at Prague)-in fact, that nothing is more enjoyable to them than human blood, and that some of them in their insane, furious anger are such that they would also desire to eat them in their fury. * I. e., anthropophagi, Greek for "eaters of human beings."