457. An enormous gang of evil spirits desire to steal
Because I was being forced by spirits into a sense of their greed, I observed that many times they wanted to incite me to steal, even such things as are of little value, such as are in their market shops. And I saw that this intention and this impulse came from the spirits, who were even trying to move my hand. From these things as well as from an actual voice, I know that those who had been merchants and were deceitful in their business dealings, trying by any means, right or wrong, to get hold of the goods of others, retain this character. Consequently, such spirits wander about, and wherever they go, seem to themselves to be stealing, thinking about nothing else. But they are penalized, or driven away by punishments. Some use the same cunning they had used in life, so that they do not want people to know this. 1748, the 11th day of January.