457. THAT A GREAT CROWD OF EVIL SPIRITS DESIRE TO STEAL Because I was impelled by spirits to sensate their cupidity, I have observed that they often wanted to excite me to steal, even such things as were of little value, such as are in their traders shops, and I have perceived that this was the intention and the endeavor of the spirits, who were also intent upon moving my hand. From them, and also by a living voice, I know that they were those who have been merchants, and in their business have made use of cunning, and wanted by means lawful and unlawful to claim for themselves the goods of others; that nature is retained. Such spirits, therefore, wander about, and wherever they go they seem to themselves to steal, thinking about nothing else. But they are fined, or are driven away by fines. Some make use of cunning similar to that which they had employed during their life. [It was said] that they do not want men to know this. 1748, Jan. 11.