458. THAT THERE WAS A CONSPIRACY MADE IN HEAVEN OF SPIRITS TO SUFFOCATE ME: AND WHAT IT SEEMED TO SIGNIFY When I was in bed, about to go to sleep, it was foretold that certain spirits were conspiring against me with the purpose of killing me, but because I was secure, caring no more for that than for their other threats, I went to sleep. Having awakened about the middle of the night, I felt that I was not breathing of myself, but, as I believed, from heaven, which I manifestly perceived, so that the respiration was not mine. It was then plainly said to me, that the whole heaven of spirits had conspired against me with the purpose of suffocating me, and that as soon as they wanted to carry out their endeavors, the heavenly respiration at once came into existence, and so they had to desist from their attempt. It was said that it was the whole heaven of spirits. Who those were who presided over them were indeed mentioned by name, but it is not allowable to name them, with the exception of two, who represented charity and the fruit of charity who were indeed present but they did not consent. Nevertheless, they supposed that the whole heaven of spirits was of their party, because they allured those who came over to their side by claiming, that those whom they said they were able to admit into heaven could not be admitted, unless I was previously murdered; hence the conspiracy was made which, being in vain, ceased. Those two who represented charity and the fruit of charity receded, and indeed to the right; that conspiracy was made at the left. But when the conspirators suffered punishment they were then driven away and treated severely, except their leaders, who, by the command of the heavens, remained. It appeared to me that by this was signified that the interiors of the doctrine received at this day in this way conspired against the more interior and inmost things [of the Word], in which they were unwilling to have any faith; but that God Messiah sustains the life of these more interior and inmost things. This is what is signified by the respiration from heaven being continued in me - by no means from myself, but from the heavens, consequently, from God Messiah, Who alone is the heavens.* Afterwards their leader, as it seemed, although he was not thought to be present, tried to enter the viscera of my body and penetrate to the heart, which by phantasies he still supposes he possesses, that thus he may infest the more interior things, or, as he said, he wanted to commit whoredom with them. 1748, Jan. 8. * Or, "Who alone is [the God] of heaven." (Qui Solus est caeli.)