542. But their angels are present instantly, and occupy the region of their head, which they fill up by a special method, not used by the spirits of this earth. The spirits of this earth as it were take possession of the brain and the head, and sometimes with such force that it feels as if they are squeezing together the scalp, or pulling off the skull, very often with some sense of pain; so that if any other than an experienced person were to undergo this, they would believe it was pulling off their skull, or even squashing their brain. But the spirits of the planet Jupiter approach with a gentle blowing action, occupying the brain in a kind of gentle and coordinated glide, for they fear that the person might be hurt and feel pain from them. They came to be within me by this gliding movement. They are the ones who restrain evil spirits from doing something worse to them than they have been permitted by the Lord to do; so that an evil spirit is held within limits, and controlled. These are their angels, who preserve them. I have spoken with them also. 1748, the 26th day of January.