549. Moreover, I spoke with them about their saints. Their holiest ones who become wood-cutters, as said before [534, 539], do not call our Savior "the one only Lord," but "the highest Lord." In this they are distinguished [from the others], for they want to be hailed as lords also, and want their slaves not to worship the highest Lord, but themselves, who will convey their prayers to the most high. This is why they are tormented by this punishment of being quite cold, and splitting wood. The spirits do not approach and chastise these, either [see 546], as they do the others, for they do not allow themselves to be taught, being unbending as well as cold. For while the spirits are coming toward them, they recognize because of the cold that they are such a kind, and therefore cannot approach. Such spirits seem to themselves to be, not like our wood-cutters, beneath the feet,* but rather high up, towards the front, in heaven. This is a sign that they are arrogant. * See Arcana Coelestia 4943.