639. * About the spirits highest up in heaven
I also became aware of spirits who, because they were in the highest part, above where the dragon was, made me wonder who they were. Speculating that they were such or such - knowing that the higher the place to which they lift themselves up by fantasy, the more wicked they are, because the more haughty - I was told that they were demons, who exert an influence, not by spoken words, but maliciously and very cunningly by an inflow of evil desires, which I have also experienced. They streamed in with concealed malice so great that I could hardly be held back. I was told that they are not let loose or do not act freely, because they have the serpent's poison stored up very deeply within them, but are kept bound up there - although not there, but in hell. For, as was also told and shown to them, only their fantasy is there, while they are in Gehenna. Moreover, when they wanted to be let loose, different spirits were attached to them, who tempered them to keep them from pouring forth their poisons. About this they complained - and also about being compelled to speak, which they are reluctant to do because they want to operate in hiding, or secretly. 1748, 3 February. * 638 has been placed after 635, in accordance with the author's instructions.