Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 641

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641. About hiding spirits

There are also spirits who hide, and do not show themselves, and do not act in the open so that their fantasies, cunning arts, and deceptions become apparent, as do those of other spirits. These are in the zenith, that is, overhead, higher up than the dragon, who does not operate so secretly. Such spirits imagine that no one can discover their destructive tricks. Therefore they also think they are safe, and cannot be harmed or punished by anyone, because, as they suppose, they have withdrawn into the more subtle [parts of] nature. On this account, as they say, they do not fear anything. Nevertheless, their deceptions appear openly whenever this is granted by the Lord, and are exposed as destructive tricks (truldoms konster*), by which they imitate the character of good spirits by streaming in softly and gently, so that their poisons are not noticed. In this way they could lead even the good astray, if the Lord were not protecting them. They slip secretly into the obvious deceptions of other spirits. * The original has the Swedish for "witchcraft," "truldoms konster."

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