Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 645

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645. Spirits also alter the taste

Sometimes, in fact quite often, it has happened that something which tasted good seemed to be offensive, or to have a different taste. Twice, if I am not mistaken, I even experienced sugar as almost salty, feeling a kind of salty taste from the sugar on my tongue. I could actually taste that the moisture on my palate had a saltiness in it, which had been pressed out of my bodily fluids by spirits. This happened when the Jovian spirits thought that sugar was salt. Indeed, they thought that anything divided up into grains, as sugar, was therefore granulated salt; and because they thought it to be salt, [it tasted salty to me]. So in regard to other things, a person's taste is thus changed in accordance with the fantasies of spirits. This they sometimes do to deceive; for they can bring on this kind of thing through deceptive fantasies.

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