Spiritual Experiences (Buss) n. 645

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645. THAT SPIRITS ALSO INVERT THE TASTE It has sometimes happened, indeed rather frequently, that what has tasted good to me has come to taste as something foul, or to have a different taste. On two occasions, if I am not mistaken, sugar tasted almost like salt, so that from the sugar I felt as it were something salty upon the tongue, and even perceived that the liquid I drank had something salty in it, which is thus pressed out by spirits from the juices of the body. This happened when the Jovian spirits supposed that sugar was salt, and indeed that the salt was such that it was divided into grams as sugar is, therefore granulated salt, because they supposed it to be salt. So also in other cases. Thus man's taste is changed according to the phantasies of the spirits, which sometimes is brought about from deceit, for such a thing can be induced by them through deceitful phantasies.

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