Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 732

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732. Something that surprised me very much is that when I was saying the Lord's prayer, such a robber was present with me and said it together with me, as very often happens, and I noticed that he did so with such devotion that I was unable to make out whether or not he had true belief; for I could not discern that his mind was unfamiliar with the meaning, as I could in others. Thus he was at the time worshipping the Lord as if from his heart, [praying] that He might protect him. From this I was able to infer what that generation is like, namely, that when they are in danger, and afraid, their covetousness is entirely unnoticeable, as though it out of sight, or as if it passes away, and they perform devotion, all on account of the danger of death. This is borne out by many incidents in their history. Nevertheless they bear such intentions in their hearts [729], and, as I was able to sense, they derive this hereditarily from both dragons. For as soon as they come out of danger, they are the same as ever, except now using the heart to lie. 1748, 11 February.

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